Monthly Archives: April 2012

Ubuntu 10.04 amd64 on Lenovo Thinkpad E125, making the LAN, Wifi, Video and Sound to work

UPDATE: I gave the official release of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS another try and everything worked out of the box! Nice!!!

So I guess I’ll have to give Unity another chance… (so far, I find the HUD useful)

After almost 2 years since my laptop died on me, I decided to buy a replacement. I proposed the idea to my wife, June, and she approved (maybe because I’ve been using her laptop for the past 2 years 🙂 ).

I’m targeting a >= 12″ inch netbook since I’ve learned in the last 2 years that I don’t need that much processing power . My usage pattern can settle for an Atom or Brazos CPU since I’m using laptops mostly as a terminal, the grunt work are done in servers. Besides,  I don’t want to haul a 2kg+ brick.

There’s a plethora of netbooks from different OEMs nowadays so there is a lot to choose from. I narrowed my list to these two: Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E125 or HP DM1. It was a tough choice to make. But after scouring a few stores (in Cyberzone MegaMall) and weighing my options, I settled with the E125.

I chose E125 because of these reasons:

  • Keyboard is better, IMHO
  • 2 DIMM slots (I’m planning to upgrade it to 8GB in the future)
  • no OS pre-installed

I tried installing Ubuntu 11.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 beta but these 2 are not that stable for my needs when I tested it. My SBW Huawei dongle is experiencing intermittent connections for one and I’m not convinced to switch to Unity yet.

This is the rundown of how I found device drivers for the Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E125.

core packages:

sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-image-generic linux-headers-genericcdbs fakeroot dh-make debhelper debconf libstdc++6 dkms libqtgui4 wget execstack libelfg0 ia32-libs


Download the driver from the Qualcomm website (direct link).

mkdir -p ~/drivers/lan-atheros && cd ~/drivers/lan-atheros
mv ~/Downloads/alx-linux-v2.0.0.6.rar ./
sudo make && sudo make install
sudo modprobe alx


sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lexical/hwe-wireless
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rtl8192ce-dkms
sudo modprobe r8192ce_pci


I encountered a problem with the sound configuration. Sounds are not playing in headphones if you plug one. It will just continue playing in the laptop speaker instead. I was able to fix it by upgrading ALSA to version 1.0.25, just use this guide on how to do it (just replace 1.0.23 with 1.0.25).


I was able to install the latest ATI Catalyst drivers by following this guide. The installation was successful when I installed the driver manually.

card reader:

Download the driver from the Realtek website. Make sure that you switched to superuser (not sudo) when running make, it will fail if you don’t.

mkdir ~/drivers/cardreader-realtek/ && cd ~/drivers/cardreader-realtek/
mv ~/Downloads/rts_pstor.tar.bz2 ./
tar -xjvf rts_pstor.tar.bz2
cd rts_pstor
sudo su
make install

additional packages:

sudo apt-get install vim-gtk ubuntu-restricted-extras pidgin-otr pidgin-libnotify openssh-server subversion rapidsvn


OK.. my MySQL NDB Cluster is up… now what?

I’ve been working on how to deploy our cluster for the past 2 days already. It’s nice to see that it’s running now given that I’ve been reading the MySQL manual for 2 days now…



I’ll create a detailed post on how I did it when I have more time.

Here are my preliminary notes so far:

  • only 2 files are needed, MySQL-Cluster-client-gpl-7.2.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm & MySQL-Cluster-server-gpl-7.2.5-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
  • --force is required to install the server package in CentOS 6.2
  • make sure that IPs are static and firewalls are setup
  • total ndb nodes must be multiples of NoOfReplicas (1 or 2)
  • if mgm > 1, all mgms must be up first before you can issue commands (use –nowait-nodes to override)
  • for ndb nodes, ensure that the DataDir exists

I’m just savoring the fruits of my labor… for this is only the beginning… *sigh*